Alphen aan den Rijn, 11 november 2022
Zeeman and Prénatal have collaborated to start paying living wage in their shared factory in India. They do this through a monthly payment to all workers. On Monday, November 7th 2022 the first payment was made. Research has shown that the minimum wage in India is not enough to take care of an entire family. The payments equal the difference between minimum and living wage and is paid for our combined share of production (90%). The last 10% is in the hands of two foreign retailers. On the payment slips of the workers it says ‘wage premium Zeeman & Prénatal’. The local NGO Fair Wear will make sure this payment is actually received by workers.
Our goal is to expand production to other countries. Since 2019 we have started another partnership with Schijvens Corporate Fashion to pay living wage in our shared factory in Pakistan. By 2024 we want to make living wage possible for 3 suppliers in each of the countries where we produce.
*This post is a translated version of the Dutch press release: