Alphen aan den Rijn, 24 januari 2023
Today, Zeeman signed the Pakistan Accord. As participant from the start of the Bangladesh Accord, we have been able to witness the immense improvements in safety and working conditions in the Bangladeshi textile industry. Thanks to clear, legally binding agreements and collaboration between brands/retailers, suppliers, worker unions and NGO’s we have been able to achieve this together. In the current International Accord, which Zeeman signed in 2021, it was stated that signees were open to further expansion of the safetyaccord to other countries such as Pakistan. We are convinced that the Pakistan Accord will contribute immensely in to improvements in safety and working conditions in Pakistan. For years, Zeeman has advocated for safe working conditions in the supply chain. We do this together with partners such as Fair Wear and UNICEF
*This post is a translated version of the Dutch press release: