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Zeeman Supports the Fight Against Alzheimer with the ''stofslof''

Alphen aan den Rijn, 24 februari 2023

Unfortunately, there is still no known cure for Alzheimer. This is why continued research is so important. Team Alzheimer’s goal is to raise funds for scientific research about dementia which will be led by the Alzheimercentrum Amsterdam. Zeeman wants to contribute to this and supports the fight against Alzheimer with the sale of ‘stofsloffen’. Sounds unfamiliar? For people with Alzheimer, a ‘stofslof’ could be completely normal. The striped cleaning-slipper us a symbol for the impaired memory cognition and confusion people with Alzheimer’s face on a daily basis.

With the #stofslofchallenge we have used our social media platforms to engage people with our campaign.

*This post is a translated version of the Dutch press release:

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